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Oil, Energy & Gas
End-to-end service for the oil, energy & gas industry

Nelco is a market leader in communication services to the Oil & Gas exploration sector in India. We provide seamless connectivity between the land-based and offshore operational setups of the Oil & Gas ecosystem.

Market Overview

Crude oil import currently accounts for 70-75% of India's total crude oil consumption. The government plans to reduce crude oil import by 10% by 2022 to ensure energy security and achieve self-sufficiency by enhancing indigenous production of petroleum products. The government has come up with Hydrocarbon Exploration and Licensing Policy (HELP) which focuses on providing operational flexibility to the market players, and strives to bring in more entrepreneurial ventures as well as international investors into the exploration and production (E&P) sector. The Government has taken many initiatives including offering small Oil and Gas fields under Discovered Small Field Policy (DSFP) through International Competitive Bidding.

There are twenty six sedimentary basins in India with an aerial extent of about 3.14million sq. km. covering onland and offshore. A large unexplored potential exists in India - about 22% of the basins are commercially well explored, 66% of the area comprises of non-commercially productive zones (either poorly explored or exploration has just initiated) and the balance 12% has been totally unexplored (no data has been acquired till now). In order to enhance the energy security of the country, the exploratory effort has been reinvigorated in the unexplored and poorly explored basins, with an improved geo-scientific understanding of the basins with advanced technologies. Maximum thrust is placed on frontier basin exploration including deep sea acreages. Advanced Seismic and Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) techniques are being used to convert non-commercial basins to commercial basins.

The VSAT Advantage

The Oil and Gas industry operates in remote onshore and offshore environments where telecommunication infrastructures are usually unavailable or very unreliable. Because the locations are changing constantly and the site conditions are challenging, the use of land-based communications are not very reliable or practical. Highly reliable communications with the headquarters become imperative for the complex and isolated oil & gas operations - for business, safety and environmental reasons.

Satellite based links have become the de facto choice for connecting the Oil & Gas remote and offshore sites. Companies use robust remote applications like real-time monitoring and surveillance systems, ERP systems, CUG VoIP and Video Conferencing for the following:

  • To improve rig on-board situational awareness
  • To facilitate real-time control and enable faster decision making
  • To increase automation and lower operating costs
  • To create a safer working environment
  • For crew welfare on these remote sites

Nelco's VSAT Solutions for Oil & Gas ecosystem

Nelco is a market leader in Oil & Gas Segment for VSAT Services in India. We have an expertise of both dedicated and shared hub services for India's biggest Oil and Gas company, ONGC, with more than 150 + offshore rigs and platforms.

We provide comprehensive strategic solutions to keep land-based Head Office connected to exploration, development and production operations. This allows companies to maintain operation integrity, protect assets and personnel while providing seamless coverage to sites across the Indian offshore.

  • Shared Hub services High performance connectivity for business critical applications with highest levels of reliability, availability and security to enable continuous operations.
  • Setting up of dedicated Communication infrastructure Multi-medium CUG VoIP and data communication infrastructure between remote and offshore installations and the base station.

Contact us for more

Our solutions offer high throughput services with maximum efficiency and include CUG VoIP and data communication services. We enable SCADA applications with a very high traffic Quality of Service (QoS) requirements along with business continuity and disaster recovery for risk-laden oil & gas operations. Our VSAT connectivity services enable always-on, high-speed broadband connections for real-time transmission of drilling data and other key monitoring indicators as well as crew welfare.

Only 1% of the data captured by sensors onboard a rig or a platform is available real-time to the decision makers, which makes them operate at sub-optimal levels and impacts productivity. To address this critical requirement of Oil and Gas companies, we offer high-performance communications solutions that are not only secure & reliable but also scalable to meet growth targets.

Our specialized and dedicated team including sea-survival certified engineers are committed to catering to the newer challenges of the Oil & Gas segment.